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Kirkbymoorside Groups, Clubs
and Organisations
Kirkbymoorside has dozens of groups, clubs and organizations, ready to welcome new members
All Saints Bellringers
Contact Tower Captain, Paul, and arrange a bell handling session at All Saint's Church Kirkbymoorside. If you are already a ringer then drop in on Tuesday evening (19.30) or Sunday morning (9.50 ) and join us in ringing, you will be most welcome.
Farndale Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association
Farndale YCA (Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association) is a women's group based at the Bandroom, Low Mill, Farndale. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month (Not August or December), at 19:30. New members welcome.
Friends of Kirkbymoorside C.P School
We are a group of parents, grandparents and guardians who are committed to fundraising to benefit our children and their school. Anyone is welcome to join us - you can give as much or as little time as you can spare! Pop into the school office for further information or join our Facebook group
Kirkbymoorside Baby & Toddler Group
A friendly group that meets every Friday (term time only) at the Methodist Church Rooms, Piercy End from 9.30-11.30. The group is aimed at parents/carers/grandparents/ anyone who looks after children under school age who would like to meet new people while the children have fun playing and making new friends.
Kirkbymoorside Brownies
The Brownie Adventure is about trying new things that teach girls about themselves, their community and their world for girls aged 7 – 11.
Kirkbymoorside Camera Club
A small group of photographers from the Ryedale area of North Yorkshire. We meet on the first Thursday of each month by Zoom to discuss photography related issues and show our latest work. We also have the occasional photographic outings to various local sites.
Kirkbymoorside Environment Group
Kirkbymoorside Environment Group - part of the Transition Town movement. Renewable energy - public transport - cycling - local economy - shopping guide and support for the town - Give or Take Days - Repair Cafe - Fruit project - wildflower verges - Tree Nursery - woodland management - meadow mowing, coppicing and hedge-laying - waste management - plastic reduction & alternatives -recycling - Museum of The Future -events -discussions - information - monthly informal coffee chats. Chair Helen Gundry
07827 315131
Kirkbymoorside Football Club
Kirkbymoorside Sports Field, New Road, Kirkbymoorside YO62 6DY. The club currently has two senior teams, with the first team playing in the York Premier League and reserves playing in the Beckett League, and a great youth set up with teams accommodating all ages. Chairman & Secretary Alex Strickland 07796 176548
Kirkbymoorside Golf Club
Manor Vale Ln, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6EG. A challenging golf course set in a beautiful and quiet rural surrounding on the edge of the North York Moors National Park. As one of the top 30 golf courses in Yorkshire, you will find a spectacular layout with immaculate fairways, fast undulating greens and a welcoming clubhouse upon arrival. 01751 431525
Kirkbymoorside In Bloom Group
Improve the quality of life and provide environmental benefit by providing stunning flower tubs and baskets throughout Kirkbymoorside town. It is rewarding to be part of a team that produces regular, tangible results that are admired and valued by many.
Organiser Gaynor De-Barr 01751 430250​
Kirkbymoorside History Group
The group was formed in 1998 by a couple of local residents who were concerned that the heritage of the town was being lost. It has gone on to become one of the most active organisations in the town producing a wide range of publications, undertaking local projects and running events throughout the year​
Kirkbymoorside Scouts
Scouting actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. The 1st Kirkbymoorside Scouts encompasses Beavers (6-8 years), Cubs (6-10.5 years), Scouts (10.5 - 14 years) [and coming soon squirrels (4-6 years)]
Kirkbymoorside Squash Club
We have 2 heated courts, viewing area and changing rooms, as well as limitless free parking right outside the door. There is a thriving squash community that provides support, fun and competitive matches for players of all abilities. Our club has an open door policy and caters for members and guests of all ages and abilities. For queries relating to membership please email John Sugarman on
Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band
Award winning brass band since at least 1815. In addition to the Senior Band there are several teaching bands ranging in ability from the Beginner Band made up of people who can play just a few notes, to a quite capable ensemble of GCSE and A level students. We also have an adult teaching band - our 'Community Band' and all of our musical ensembles deliver public performances.
Band Manager / Secretary: Philip Woodward,
Musical Director: Sarah Woodward
07870 640348
Kirkbymoorside MenZone
MenZown's aim is to provide fellowship and support to men from the local area, especially men who find themselves alone or isolated or who may need help. The membership consists of men of all ages from a wide variety of backgrounds. Meetings are held at 7:00pm on the second Monday of each month, with a speaker in a Kings Head Hotel, 5 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, followed by socialising in the bar. A social evening is also held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Hotel starting at 7:30pm. New members welcome.
Kirkbymoorside Woolcrafters
Crafting and social group making items out of wool for exhibitions and for sale. Contact Carol Messham
01751 432071
Connecting you across the North York Moors National Park
and Surrounding Areas: operates a bus network servicing the North York Moors National Park in the summer.
01751 477216
Ryedale Beekeepers Association
Ryedale Beekeepers Association members live between Sutton Bank, Thornton le Dale, Swinton and the southern dales of the North York Moors. Indoor meetings are held in Wombleton Village Hall and in nearby villages with other local societies. Registered and Partner Members benefit from its affiliation to the Yorkshire and British Beekeepers Associations (
Ryedale Clothing Bank
A community clothing bank based at Next Steps Cafe, 7 Church Street, Norton, Malton, YO17 9H. Open Wed and Fri 10.00 - 14.00. Our aims is to provide support to those in need while creating a more sustainable future by recycling and repurposing unwanted clothing and textiles, keeping them within the local area.
Ryedale Family History Group
This group is to help members to further their research into
family and local history, not just in the Ryedale area, but wherever they may be. Our Research Room is open to the public every Thursday at Hovingham Village Hall, 10.00 - 15.00 and at other times by appointment. Meetings are held monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 19.00 for 19.30 start at various venues and on Zoom.
01653 628132
Ryedale Indoor Bowls Club (short mat)
Ryedale Community & Leisure Centre, Bowling Lane, Scarborough Road, Norton, YO17 8EG. 01653 690266, 01751 431001;
Ryedale Natural History Society
Based in Kirkbymoorside, we holds indoor meetings in winter and run field outings through the summer. Membership is open to all. 01439 788385
Ryedale School of Music
If you want to learn to play a brass or woodwind musical instrument from the beginning or continue with your music studies, then we can offer you professional quality music tuition tailored to your requirements and offer all the support that you need to achieve your musical goals. 01751 430707 (after 3pm - Mon - Fri),
Ryedale Special Families
We support families of children and young people with disabilities and additional needs in Ryedale, North Yorkshire. 01653 699000
Ryedale U3a
The u3a is open to those no longer in full-time work, offering the opportunity to develop your interests, make new friends and have fun. David Emslie 07590 054064
United Charities Trust of Kirkbymoorside
The aim of the charity is to make small financial grants to help the sick and elderly of Kirkbymoorside in times of need. If you know of anyone needing a little help please contact one of the trustees: June Cook 01751 431160; Stephanie Hickman 01751 433337; Nigel Richardson 01751 432221; Lesley Temple 01751 431237; Paul Young 075540 53368; Paul Sunderland 07989 178196; Anne Warriner 01751 432915
Yorkshire Country Women's Association
he ​​Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association wants to bring women from all areas and backgrounds together to enjoy our core values of companionship, crafting and community. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 19:30, at The Bandroom, Low Mill, Farndale. We have a speaker most months and finish each meeting with refreshments and a raffle. We hope you will join us. Emma Smith 01751 430175
Amotherby Cat and Kitten Rescue
Our aim is to help cats, kittens and their owners in Ryedale.
Amotherby, Malton. Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 17.00 strictly appointment only. 01653 697918
Friday Rehearsal Orchestra
A friendly atmosphere to play a variety of orchestral music without the obligation to give public concerts making it both relaxed and adventurous. 07762 28245
Kirkbymoorside Allotment Association
South facing allotments on Gillamoor Road, Kirkbymoorside. Contact the secretary for availability or to be placed on the waiting list for a plot. Secretary Tracy Mirams 07903 632669
Kirkbymoorside Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club
Dedicated to fostering connections, offering support and providing a welcoming and safe space for veterans in the Kirkbymoorside area. We meet the first Saturday of the month at the Kings Head, 5 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, at 10.30. 07480 738580
Kirkbymoorside Bowls Club
Kirkbymoorside Bowling Club, Sports Field, New Road
Kirkbymoorside, YO62 6DY. We welcome anyone to come along and 'have a go' or to have a 'roll-up' if you haven't played for a while. Come along to one of our social bowling sessions on Tuesday afternoons (2pm to around 3.30pm) during the season (22 April - 14 September 2025). ​
Kirkby Community Fridge
Kirkbymoorside Methodist Church, Piercy End, YO62 6DQ . Every Wednesday 9.30 – 10.30 - open to everyone. Kirkby Community Fridge is not a food bank, and is not intended as a support mechanism for people in need: its aim is to reduce the amount of waste food from local businesses going to landfill and instead redistributes it to the local community. There is no charge, but we welcome any ‘pay as you feel’ donations to make sure this vital project remains open.
Kirkbymoorside Flying Club
Pigeon flying club, based at Kirkbymoorside Sports Field, New Road, Kirkbymoorside YO62 6DY 01751 431920
Kirkbymoorside Fruit Project
Each year our volunteers save tonnes of fruit, mostly apples, from going to waste by juicing them and selling the pasteurised juice and cider that we make. Profits are shared with our local community through grants each year.
Kirkbymoorside Horticultural Society
Annual horticultural show of local fruit, vegetables and flowers. 07732 271749
Kirkbymoorside Branch of The Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion is here to help members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families. Point of Contact Christina or Ken Kelloway 01751 431179 or 07789 095383
Kirkbymoorside Litter Picking Network
Local litter picking group, keeping our town clean.
Julia Bullock
Kirkbymoorside & District Marie Curie Fundraising Group
A small group of volunteers that regularly fundraise for this charity that provides care and support throughout terminal illness. The group has a number of established events such as the Farndale Daffodil Walk, street collections and coffee mornings. They also attend and support other local events, often providing refreshments, and are trialling new events such as a pop up preloved stall and a party night. If you have some free time and would like to join us either regularly or as and when you are available please feel free to contact Sue Wellington (committee secretary) on 07824 394356 or
Kirkbymoorside Tennis Club
Kirkbymoorside Tennis Club is a friendly and inclusive club with two hard courts available. We welcome players of all abilities, including both members and non-members. The club offers a members night, coaching and has both ladies and mixed teams that compete in the Hovingham tennis league. Kirkbymoorside Tennis Club, The Sports Field, Kirkbymoorside,YO62 6DY
01751 433357
Kirkbymoorside Young Farmers
Activities, social events, educational events, friendship & fun! Age 10—26. New members welcome (you don’t have to be a farmer!)
Kirkbymoorside Next Steps
Next Steps Well-being Centre supports people with mental health problems, well being issues and preventing isolation and loneliness in Ryedale, North Yorkshire, by providing a drop-in centre, activities and outreach groups. The Kirkbymoorside Hub runs every Wednesday, 9:00 - 15:00 ; Crafts 10.00 -12.00, Walking group 10.00 -12.00, Meal deal of the day 12.00, Quiz and support 1.00 - 15.00 and a cuppa/cake. Everyone welcome.
01653 690854
Men's Sheds
Men’s Sheds are kitted out community spaces where men can enjoy practical hobbies. They’re about making friends, learning and sharing skills. Many guys come just for the tea and banter – everyone’s welcome. Kirkbymoorside Popup Shed, Moorside Bar & Club, Shaw Drive, Kirkbymoorside, YO62 6PS. Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00
Contact: Leisa Burniston 01653 690854
Ryedale Dog Rescue
Helping local dogs find local homes. 07843 841778
Ryedale Carers Support
A volunteer led charity supporting those who care for someone at home or live alone and are isolated. We offer a befriending service where we will match someone with a volunteer.
01751 432288 (please leave a message if we are out)
Ryedale Community Foodbank
Ryedale Community Foodbank offers emergency food and some household goods such as toiletries and cleaning products, to people in need in the Ryedale area.
Kirkbymoorside Methodist Church School, Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside 07821 664764 Open Thursday 9.30-11.3.
Ryedale Flying Group
Pigeon flying club, based at Kirkbymoorside Sports Field, New Road, Kirkbymoorside YO62 6DY.
Secretary Richard Mort 07491 096891
Ryedale Lions Club
The Lions Club provides practical and financial help to individuals, community groups and charities, mainly in our local area in North Yorkshire but also further afield. It offers members an opportunity to meet, socialise and work together for the benefit of others. 01751 475442
Ryedale Ramblers
You will find a warm welcome whatever the weather with the Ryedale group. We walk in beautiful countryside including the North York Moors and Howardian Hills offering moorland, forests, historical attractions and small villages using footpaths and tracks. We walk in a group led by one of our volunteers and no-one gets left behind.
020 3961 3232
Ryedale Sight Support
An independent charity offering support to visually impaired people living in the Ryedale area of North Yorkshire. We provides a network of support, activities and friendship to help alleviate the social, emotional and practical problems that living with sight loss can bring. 01653 698860
Sarah Louise Ashworth Dance School
Classes are held daily for children starting from as young as 18 months old. Adult classes are also available. Classes run in the Memorial Hall, Kirkbymoorside. Subjects include RAD ballet, IDTA ballet, modern, tap, jazz, theatre craft, commercial jazz, contemporary, acro, musical theatre, drama and singing.
07801 885044
Ryedale Velo Club
The whole ethos of the club is to be friendly and supportive of all cyclists whatever their ability. Year round we organise social road rides on Thursdays and Sundays and gravel/mtb on Saturdays, most involve cake! During the summer months we run Time Trials and chaingangs and we also organise challenge weekends (e.g. coast to coast) plus weekend trips to the Dales, the Lakes and the Scottish Borders. For more info contact Tim 07900 628467
Women's Fellowship
Ladies Fellowship is associated with All Saints Church, but all ladies are welcome. Meet second Wednesday of the month at 19.00 in the Kirkbymoorside Library.
Kathy Robson 01751 432158
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