Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band
A bit about the band
For 215 years a musical soundtrack has accompanied the town of Kirkbymoorside. Throughout the week, with a fair wind the unmistakable mellifluous tones of brass can be heard across the roofs and through the streets.
Although Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band may have borne little resemblance to today’s ensemble in its early era, it has provided the heartbeat of the community through the generations, playing at town events such as Armistice Parades, Coronation's and more recently the 10k Run. It also provides personal moments for individuals within the town, often being asked to play at weddings and funerals and smaller town events.
From its early days , the band has represented the town, and North of England at local and national competitions, and in the last few decades has been placed in the National Brass Band Finals of Great Britain, consistently competing at the top of brass banding.
But Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band is way more than their very best players, they have more than 120 active players across five bands, with players ranging from five to 80+, "if you want to make music, we have a home for you" is their mantra.
Kirkbymoorside Band has been a useful stepping stone for many of its young members, ranging from players going to study music at university, joining top ranked British brass bands, highly competitive Military bands and becoming professional musicians and performing on the West End.
"If Brass Bands were judged on their ability to make the highest quality music, for their community, using musicians from their community, then Kirkbymoorside Band would be one of the finest examples in the world. I can only applaud them for their tireless focus and hard work, that has brought them to this point and hope they pass on the baton to future generations, so this outstanding ensemble carries on for many years to come."
Ewan Easton MBE, tutor at RNCM, principal tuba at Halle Orchestra
Sarah Woodward has been a conductor with the Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band family for over 30 years, with nearly two decades dedicated to the Junior Sections. She was awarded the Brass Band Conductor Award 2024 at Brass Bands England (BBE) annual award presentations.
​Rehearsals take place at the Bandroom and James Holt Concert Hall on Manor Vale, as follows:
Senior Band - Thursday and Sunday evenings 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Community Band - Tuesdays 8-9.30pm
Kirkby Roots Band - Sundays 5.30 - 6.10pm
Kirkby Development Band - Sundays 6.15 - 7pm
Kirkby Youth Band - Sundays 6.15 - 7.15pm ​
Contact phil.stockton@hotmail.com